Friday, June 20, 2008

GA day #1.2

Six hours of class time later, I'm feeling slightly more adjusted to the idea of the GA... It is a hugely political and structured process. And uh... where is the Spirit in all of this? Thankfully, Elizabeth Nordquist spoke last about the spirituality of the conference. She said the first aspect of Reformed spirituality (assuming Reformed types have a different spirituality than everyone else. :) ) is gratitude. God has reached out to us in grace. All we can do is respond in gratitude. She encouraged us to list 5 things we are grateful for every day... places where we find the grace of God. So here are 5 of mine so far:

1. Good friends who I journey with and love me even when I'm grumpy, tired and angry at the injustices and pain of life (more on that later)
2. A seminary president who is willing to listen and strategize with me for my internship next year.
3. The gift of Gail, my supervising pastor next year, who is becoming a good friend as well as a fantastic mentor.
4. Chocolate, hotel iPod speakers, and a room all to myself providing much needed solitude.
5. Tears of grief coming in worship as my heart is softened by the Spirit to FEEL and ENGAGE instead of just survive.

As with any conference, it is the conversations in the hallways and at the bar that are the best part. Connecting people, hearing their stories, sharing my own and gaining new insights from our conversations.

I also found out tonight that one of my good friends has cancer and is facing an aggressive surgery in the next month. I am angry that this is the diagnosis and feel impotent in the face of her struggle. Oh God be near to her and her family. May the suffering AND risen Christ comfort and guide them through.

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